Yoga Over 45

Feel fitter, stronger, for longer

Join our new yoga classes in Doncaster.

Specifically designed for anyone approaching mid-life or later years.

The loss of the capacity to move and bend with flexibility is the defining hallmark of old age - but you don't have to pump iron and spend hours in the gym to maintain or improve your health. In fact, sometimes, embarking on rigorous exercise programmes can do more harm than good.

Of all the different types of exercise ever devised, yoga has shown itself as a system which can preserve our youthful suppleness and physical well-being AND our sense of emotional well-being better than any other.

Learning how to include even a short, twenty minute practice of yoga into a regular routine can make a massive difference to how you feel, helping you lose weight, (yes really), de-stress, reduce stiffness or joint pain and keep you fitter for longer so you can get on with living the life you want to lead.